Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Short Update - 11/20/2018

Short work week, short update.  Let's start with the survivor/ghoul pool.

Some dominoes did fall this weekend, but from only one game.  Denver's come from behind victory over the chargers knocked me and Munez out of the losers pool.  Munez is guarenteed 4th place.  I get 9th place.  Rob & John still haven't lost a game yet, and Joe is now guarenteed at least 3rd.  Here's how the points stand.

12-10 Rob, John, Joe
9 Munez
8-5 Folden, Hale, Jim, Shawn,
4 Adam
3 Eplin
2 Gary
1 Kemp

Survivor claimed a couple of people as well.  Jim & Shawn had the Chargers.

The points in this now stand as follows.

Rob 12
11-7 Adam, Joe, Hale, Eplin, Folden
5.5 - Jim & Shawn
4 Shawn
2.5 Kemp & Munez
1 Gary

In fantasy football we have 2 weeks left in the season.  Here's where things stand

1. Adam 9-2 (clinched playoff spot)  The only person that can stop me from a bye is Joe, and I'd have to lose out and Joe would need to jump the 182 point difference from us.  98% likely I have a bye.

2. Hale 8-3 (unofficially clinched playoff spot)  Hale's in.  I can't see an avenue in which he loses.  He is now 1 win away from clinching the other bye.  Would need to lose out and have Joe win out to lose out on it.

3.  Joe 7-4 (90% chance in playoffs)  Joe has a 1 game lead on everyone and the point tiebreaker on everyone but Eplin.  Even if he loses out, he'd be tied for 6th. 

Here's where things get wild.  4th-8th are all tied at 6-5 with two games to play.  So we'll go over those after we cover the bottom 4 teams.

9-11th Jim, John, Gary.  They are effectively playing for who can have the most points in the final standings.  9th gets 4, where 11th only gets 2. 

12th Kemp.  0-11.  Time to see if he gets a win in his final 2 games.

Back to the teams that are 4th - 8th.  Where do they each stand? along with their remaining schedule

4.  Eplin - 1443 points (Hale, John)
5. Folden 1381 points (Munez, Adam)
6. Munez 1296 points (Folden, Jim)
7. Shawn 1266 points (Kemp, Hale)
8. Rob 1264 points (Jim, Kemp)

Folden & Eplin are in the best shape, having scored as many points as they have.  Truth be told, Munez & Folden are playing in a likely elimination game this weekend.  Let's project.

If Eplin loses to Hale, he'll fall to 6-6.  One of Folden or Munez will be 6-6.  One will be 7-5.  Shawn & Rob each winning would keep all 5 people still in the mix for next week.  Amazingly, none of the 5 play each other in the last week of the season.  There's no way as of now to figure out a likely path for how things will go.  We could end up with 4 6-6 teams or 4 7-5 teams next week.  Some people need to route for Hale to win, some need to route for Jim.  It's pretty much insanity.

If you had to put a gun to my head, based on schedule, and the way things have gone, I'd have Eplin, Munez, and Rob getting the 3 spots.  But, who the hell knows. 

That's it for now. 

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